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international geophysical year中文是什么意思

用"international geophysical year"造句"international geophysical year"怎么读"international geophysical year" in a sentence


  • 国际地球物理年。


  • The first polar base was established in 1957 , during the international geophysical year
  • Scientists participating in the international geophysical year , 1957 - 58 , began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land
    在1957 - 1958年,参加国际地球物理年科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。
  • Scientists participating in the international geophysical year , 1957 - 58 , began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land
    在1957 - - 1958年,参加国际地球物理年的科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。
用"international geophysical year"造句  


The International Geophysical Year (IGY) was an international scientific project that lasted from July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958. It marked the end, after Joseph Stalin's death, of a long period during the Cold War when scientific interchange between East and West was seriously interrupted.
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